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As part of our ELEVATE programme, which supports students, workers, investors and visitors to have a unique and rewarding academic, professional, economic and recreational experience.
We are looking for a caring, selfless, competent and open-minded nurse.
A nurse is a healthcare professional trained to provide health care to patients. She can help a consulting firm grow in several ways, including:
Managing health programs: consulting firms can provide health consulting services to businesses, organizations or governments. Nurses can play a key role in managing these health programs, working with clients to develop effective health plans and providing expert advice on health care.
Assessing risk: Nurses can help consulting firms assess health and safety risks. For example, they can conduct health assessments for workers, identifying health risks and proposing solutions to reduce them.
Providing advice: Nurses can provide expert advice to clients on topics such as disease prevention, health promotion and chronic disease management. They can also provide advice on pain management and the appropriate use of medications.                Educate clients: Nurses can help clients better understand health care and make informed health decisions. They can provide information about diseases and treatments, as well as advice on how to maintain good health.
If you are an enthusiastic, caring, compassionate person who loves the medical profession and would like to be part of a dynamic team, the Tchoum Group may be the company for you!


  • Provide health and safety consulting for The Tchoum Consulting clients.
  • Develop and implement health plans for clients, including management of employee wellness programs.
  • Provide medical assistance and follow-up for clients on business trips.
  • Coordinate with health care professionals to provide services to clients.


  • A background in nursing, with a bachelor’s degree and 5-7 years of professional experience.
  • Experience working with clients in a variety of industries, such as corporations, government organizations, NGOs, academic institutions or associations.
  • A thorough knowledge of health and safety protocols for business travellers and corporate nursing practices.
  • An ability to work under pressure and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, including the ability to work collaboratively with clients and colleagues.
  • A professional, customer satisfaction and problem-solving attitude.



Fulltime, On Site

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