October 12, 2017 | By @yannicktchoum

The rapid development of the new technologies and the convergence with telecom networks, especially the development of mobile technologies, are giving the telecom industry a shock.
“[In the future], the Internet will disappear… you won’t even sense it, it will be part of your presence all the time.”
Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman at Google
The new era of Telecom : Internet of Things
We live in a connected world. Throughout the day, we engage with a number of Internet-based systems. From smart thermostats to voice-controlled entertainment systems, our everyday devices have wireless capabilities enabling us to track and control them remotely. Even our running shoes can log our miles; our vehicles can now drive themselves. Like the invention of the car a century ago, the Internet of Things has ushered in a new era of consumer convenience, making us more enabled than ever before.
The merge between Technologies and Telecom era
The technologies and telecom networks well complement each other on their way of development; they have many things in common. New technologies and business models are the references for telecom operators. Both the Internet and telecom networks are built based on technology, and their businesses are moving towards overlapping and integration. Therefore, their development direction must be network convergence.
New Internet Trends help push the telecom transformation.
The rapid development of the new technologies is giving the telecom industry a shock.